Rice Salad is a unique dish typical of the summer season: perfect to prepare in the morning to find it ready to return from the beach. It is a fresh, light and personalized recipe with different ingredients according to one’s taste, as long as they are...
Spring Caesar Salad is a recipe to prepare for the hottest days and when you do not have much time to cook. The Caesar salad is a salad now famous all over the world, designed for the first time by the Italian chef Cesare Cardini, who emigrated to the United States....
Greek salad is a dish of Greek culinary tradition; It consists of: green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, olives, and feta, a typical local cheese. The Greek salad is perfect for accompanying a second dish, or as a unique dish. ...
Caesar Salad is the most famous American salad, but few know that it was created by Italian chef Cesare Cardini, emigrated to the United States after the First World War. It is not the usual salad, but it is flavored with chicken and bacon to be also suitable for...
Nicoise Salad is a typical dish of the city of Nice, on the Côte d’Azur, in the south of France. Nicoise Salad is a very tasty and healthy recipe based on fresh seasonal vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, beans, onions, and cucumber, with ingredients as...
Caprese salad is an extremely simple Italian salad. It consists of sliced fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, and seasoned with salt, and drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It was made to resemble the colors of the Italian flag: red, white, and green. In...