It’s official: Italy just sent a whole Grana Padano Riserva to The White House…But why?

The president of the Consortium, Renato Zaghini and of the general manager, Stefano Berni said “we hope to restore the excellent dialogue we always had with the United States, historically a very good friend of Grana Padano and Made in Italy quality […] we are confident that the advent of Biden will mark a change of course with respect to the protectionist trade policies introduced by his predecessor with the application of expensive duties to the detriment of our products – adds the general director of the Consortium, Stefano Berni – and we want to believe that more attention will be paid to prudent environmental policies, in line with the philosophy of Grana Padano”



The Italian consortium painted the cheese with an Italian and American flag to symbolize the union and friendship of the two countries. The cheese is a Grana Padano Riserva aged over 20 months (about 40 kg) chosen from the 425,566 Riserva branded in 2019.



About the Cheese

Grana Padano is the most consumed DOP cheese in the world. The culture of well-being belongs deeply to the production chain of this unique and inimitable cheese. It is also a functional food because it is naturally rich in molecules with beneficial and protective properties that are fundamental for the human body. It provides a large amount of essential nutrients for health, which are difficult to find in other foods with the same calories, all highly bioavailable, that is, able to be assimilated by the body and fulfill their functions. For this reason, in the right quantities and within a balanced and varied diet, it can be included in the diet of adults and children, as well as being very useful in some stages of life such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, in adolescence, in menopause, in old age and also in those who suffer from lactose intolerance. It can also be included in the balanced diets of those with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia problems.


About the Consortium

The Grana Padano Protection Consortium was officially born with the drafting of the Statute stipulated and deposited in Lodi on June 18, 1954. For over sixty years, the Grana Padano Protection Consortium has brought together producers, maturers and merchants of Grana Padano cheese to ensure compliance with the traditional recipe and its high quality, recognizable and found in every single form produced. On April 24, 2002, a decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry recognizes the Consortium the functions of protection, promotion, enhancement, consumer information and general care of the interests relating to Grana Padano in its nature as a PDO product, or Protected Designation of Origin.

Taste Italian Grana Padano: Buy Now!