Consortium Grana Padano
For more than 60 years The Grana Padano Protection Consortium has been comprising Grana Padano producers, cheese maturers and retailers and has been preserving the original recipe and the high-quality standards recognisable in each and every single cheese wheel produced.
The great cultural, historical, socio-economical heritage Grana Padano obtained during its long history, deserved to be recognised, supported and protected.
The Grana Padano Protection Consortium was created out of the passion for the land. It was established to preserve the heritage brought by experience and expertise handed down from one generation to another. Its aim is clear: to protect this unique, rich knowledge and know-how and to help it grow.
The Consortium’s purpose, as set by its Statute, is to protect and promote Grana Padano and its reputation worldwide. Therefore the Consortium carries out all the actions and initiatives it deems fit and appropriate in the interest of Grana Padano PDO, to further its promotion and to increase its market share.
The main thought goes to the land; to its wonders, and generosity in allowing the Consortium to harvest it; to its ability to constantly provide it with new fruits. The second thought goes to those who benefit from the land through hard work and who care every day of the year for their livestock and fields. The third thought goes to its ancient and recent history, without which it would not be what it is. The fourth thought puts the Consortium in the right frame of mind to face every challenge, thanks to the trust it place in its environment and to its effort to slowly, constantly improve, day after day. Effective, down-to-earth, serious, strong-willed, hard work that makes sure that its aims are turned into concrete actions and tangible facts.