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News and Recipes


The 10 Most Loved Pasta Recipes

The 10 Most Loved Pasta Recipes

There are 10 most loved pasta recipes and pasta, as much as pizza and coffee, is a timeless tradition of Italian culture and tradition. There are over 300 different formats of pasta types and infinite tasty recipes, but also symbolic of the region where they are born....

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Usa: 6th edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine

Usa: 6th edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine

The 6th edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation around the world. The focus of the 2021 edition is Italian cuisine between tradition, innovation and sustainability, with a rich...

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Aromatic Herbs Benefits

Aromatic Herbs Benefits

We use them in many recipes, often as a simple ornament, yet aromatic herbs benefits are many and are also foods rich in nutrients that should not be underestimated. Let's see what are the main aromatic herbs, and what benefits they can give to our body. Basil Basil...

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Gnocchi the History Behind it

Gnocchi the History Behind it

Many think that gnocchi are an all-Italian invention, but in reality the origin of this fantastic first course is uncertain and lost in history. To make things more difficult, there is a small problem: in every region of Italy (and in every part of the world) this...

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Truffle Sauce Tagliatelle Recipe

Truffle Sauce Tagliatelle Recipe

The recipe we are going to offer you today is luxurious and delicious at the same time: Truffle sauce tagliatelle!     Tagliatelle are an egg pasta type typical of Emilia and widespread in the traditional cuisine of Central and Northern Italy. Their name derives...

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Pesto History

Pesto History

Pesto recipe is tyical of Liguria and is traditionally the cradle of aromatic herbs. The use of aromatic herbs for the Ligurians is a tradition that dates back to the Middle Ages, with different habits, based on social categories: the rich share their banquets with...

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